Hogwarts style Game Final
I expanded upon my first project by adding in a storyline where the user is given an objective and they have to travel through the different scenes to achieve it. Harry, the main character, walks into the potions class ready to take the upcoming quiz; however, his best friend, Ron, has a brilliant idea to concoct a potion to help his memorization for the quiz. Unfortunately, Ron went somewhere wrong in his potion making skills and turned himself into a frog. Harry is now tasked with finding the necessary ingredients around Hogwarts to turn Ron back into himself. 
APK - https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1RXhDTtXCPYVYuYG76rOK3EGpp1dSzlNj?usp=share_link
I used to animate the objects directly until I started to have issues with wanting to move the object to a different spot which wouldn't work because it would default back to the position of where I initially animated it. A classmates told me that I needed to create a parent element and animate the object inside of the parent element. Therefore, I could animate the animate the object however I would like and move around the parent element in a different spot.
One the most difficult things for me was using the animator in Unity for all of my animations. I learned that animator can control more things than just the transform. I wanted to animate multiple things together but I only know how animate one object at a time. So for this project, I animated everything separately and timed the start of each animation to get the look that I wanted.
I also wanted to find a smoke/ fog object for when Ron turned into a frog to not make the transition be so abrupt but I couldn't find any good assets. 
Throughout my project, I wanted to add multiple interactions throughout each scene and make them as fun as possible. Also after the user completes an item on the checklist, it will be checked off no matter the order they do it and they will not be able to proceed to the next scene until they complete the checklist in that scene. 
From a user perspective, I felt like once they completed the checklist the dialogue of the character in each scene should change to let the user know that they can proceed to the next scene with the newly revealed button below the checklist. Just to add in confirmation as well as direction of what they should do next.
Potions Class
In this scene, I included a welcome message into the experience. I experienced difficulty figuring out how to get the desired transition of him drinking the potion and turning into a frog. As mentioned above, I made a separate animation for each object: the potion, Ron, and the frog. I timed each of them to have a smoother transition. After he turns into a frog, I created an animation for Snape to walk in to add a nice touch and create more movement in the scene
Herbology class
In this scene, I wanted to have the user take a water can and grow the necessary plants for the antidote. I think it worked well. Once they have collected all the plants in any order, the checklist will be complete and the button to move to flying will be revealed.
Flying class
In this scene, the user must collect feathers from birds for the antidote. I wanted to think of a fun away to collect the feathers. I animated each of them to fly around like they are in the wind and have the user try to catch them. I spent the most time making these animations different and flow. Once they have collected all the feathers in any order, the checklist will be complete and the button to move to the courtyard will be revealed.
In this scene, the user must collect reptiles/insect for the antidote. It was challenging to try to make animations for these but I am glad of how they turned out. Once they have collected all the insect/reptiles in any order, the checklist will be complete and the button to return back to the potions room is revealed.
I have several scripts that will load each scene
Active script
This script checks to see if all the items on the checklist are checked (active) and if they are the script will make the button to move to the next scene active. This script also changes the dialogue of the character in the scene to let the user know that they are good to move to the next scene.
Don't destroy script
This script keeps the audio source from being deleted as the user moves from scene to scene. This is what allows the music to seamlessly play across scenes without starting over each time.
Open/close script
This script allows the user to open and close the checklist.
I generated the 360 images using SkyLabs. 
I generated all of the characters using Meshy.ai
I found the template of the textbooks on FreePix and I uploaded them the Illustrator to customize them. I also used Figma for the text, buttons, and all of the UI.
Textbox- https://www.freepik.com/free-vector/vintage-square-golden-frames-rpg-game_29156775.htm#page=2&query=fantasy%20text%20box%20frame&position=21&from_view=keyword&track=ais&uuid=be921463-0dc1-4fc8-be79-7a9d70f3ca92 
Audio- https://soundcloud.com/user-5431384/sets/rpg-video-game-soundtracks-by-stefano-puricelli?si=223c857d4b5041619e2ea64110a38908&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing
Project 1
Hogwarts Simulation
I generated the 360 images using SkyLabs. I found the template of the textbooks on FreePix and I uploaded them the Illustrator to customize them. I also used Figma for the text and buttons. I found assets in the Unity asset store for the potion, broom, and leaf objects. Also I found the audio on Soundcloud.
Textbox- https://www.freepik.com/free-vector/vintage-square-golden-frames-rpg-game_29156775.htm#page=2&query=fantasy%20text%20box%20frame&position=21&from_view=keyword&track=ais&uuid=be921463-0dc1-4fc8-be79-7a9d70f3ca92 
Audio- https://soundcloud.com/user-5431384/sets/rpg-video-game-soundtracks-by-stefano-puricelli?si=223c857d4b5041619e2ea64110a38908&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing
Apk- https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-qZGqKjYuYgH47T0QmKdZYlVsXY88fkR/view?usp=share_link

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